Tuesday, August 5, 2008

When's baby # 2 coming?

People have been asking when we will be having our next baby. You'd think that we'd at least get a year before people would start asking that question. They started asking a few months ago... Brynnly just turned 10 months old! Well, on Saturday we babysat my cute new nephew (who is about 6 weeks old) for about 6 hours. And as fun and adorable as he is I am not ready for baby number 2! When my youngest sister was born the ages of the my 4 youngest siblings were 3,2,1, and new born! I was 5 and Chelsea was 6 at that time. Luckely my mom had Sherri who was 15. I don't know how women do it... I don't know how my mom did it! I hardly have time to catch my breath with just one. So to answer the question on all of your minds... my cute Brynnly is such a handful that baby number 2 wont be coming for a little while!!


Jana said...

Hahaha... that's all I really have to say :)

Jana said...

wait no... this is what I should have said --
