Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Brynnly is 2!!!

I can't believe that my baby is 2! She is such a joy in our lives. She is the sweetest little girl. Being a mom has taught me so much. Some of the things Brynnly has taught me:

- how to function on almost no sleep
- showers are a luxury
- never wear white shirts
- naps are a blessing
- patience
- instant unconditional love
- pure joy

Each time I look at her I thank my Heavenly Father for sending her to me. I would do anything for her. Danny and I are so blessed to have her in our lives.

Happy Birthday Princess!!!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! What a cuttie! I was in town last week and drove the street. It was weird seeing everyones houses. I wish I would have had time to stop and say hi! :( Next time!

Travis & Melissa said...

Oh man! Our family would NOT be the same without her!!! I love her to death!! Especially since I'm her favorite aunt ;)

SaRah G. said...

I can't believe that she is TWO!!!! That is soooo crazy! I remember going and seeing you in the hospital when you had her!!! AH! And now you are going to have another one!!! How fun!!! Your family is adorable and I miss you!!!!

Anonymous said...

Holy Crow! I can't believe she is two either! It's simply seems like yesterday when we were at her blessing! Happy Birthday!