Tuesday, June 16, 2009

BiG GiRL!!

No one tells you when you start potty training that you are going to fail!! Well at least for the first few days... I saw a book called "Potty training in a Day". Right! I'm sure it has happened but not for my bug. The first 3 days were the worst. I am now a more patient person having to go through it.
But I am happy to announce that (I think) we are potty trained. We haven't had any accidents in 3 days and we made it through the stomach flu without any accidents! I feel like that is a huge success. I know there will still be accidents. But let me tell you... I haven't changed a diaper in a week!!! She is in big girl panties. 8 days isn't to bad!! I get a break from diapers til December!!


Anonymous said...

Yay! Thats exciting! How is your pregnancy going?

Devin and Jaclyn Stutz said...

Congrats! I'm glad it worked pretty well for you guys.